Practice information
Dr. Andrea Runge
Veterinary medicine has always been my passion and I feel very privileged to be a vet. Caring for each individual patient and building up a trusting relationship with you – the owner – is very important to me and it is vital that you are fully informed about all diagnostic and therapeutic options for your pet. This ensures that we find the best way forward in each case.
I feel it is very exciting to follow the rapid progression of knowledge in small animal medicine. I have been very fortunate being able to work in progressive practices and large hospitals both in the UK and Germany for many years bevor owning practices myself, so I was able to continuously develop my knowledge and skills. Internal medicine, diagnostic imaging and neurology have been my special interests. Additionally I have been introduced to alternative therapies, and especially acupuncture has allowed me to broaden the range of my therapeutic options considerably.
Sandra Losch
Since starting my training as a veterinary nurse (TFA) in 1995 the well-being of our four-legged friends has been very dear to my heart and to me this is the most important aspect of my work.
Throughout my career I have been allowed to acquire a broad range of skills. After training in a mixed practice with a special interest in surgery of horses I worked for several years in a small animal practice. For the past eleven years I have been working in a large mixed practice.
Additionally I have been a member of the Board of Examiners for veterinary nurses in Lower Saxony for more than ten years and enjoy being an active member of the Verband medizinischer Fachberufe (Association of medical Professions – VmF).
Laura-Marie Muthreich
Growing up in the mountains and spending a lot of my childhood with horses fuelled my dream to become a vet. I started studying veterinary medicine in Hanover and finished the pre-clinical part with the first state examination.
Alongside my studies I worked in a small animal practice to already gain some practical experience. After the pre-clinical years, I changed to studying earth science to better understand the origin of earth and nature as we see it today.
However, veterinary medicine is still close to my heart, so I work part time at the surgery. I greatly enjoy that we can help many animals and to be able to help with making our patients comfortable.
Ella or Elli Pirelli
Ella has been a member of our practice for several years now and helps to relax our dog patients. Promoting the use of wheelchairs for dogs is another important job she has with us.
Outside the practice she enjoys gardening, works as a visiting dog for the ASB and is a keen guardian of house and garden.
Casanova is the CED (Chief Executive Dog) of the practice. His paraplegia does not bother him in the slightest, he scoots around with and without his wheelchair and is rather sure of himself.
In his spare time he is an enthusiastic member of the ASB, regularly visiting care homes, he loves a cuddle and looks after his collection of chews hidden throughout the house and garden.
Casanova will continue to be part of our team. After all, he was a founding member of the practice!
Our practice is a member of the following organisations:
- ATF Akademie für Tierärztliche Fortbildung
- BVA British Veterinary Association
- BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association
- IVAS International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
- ABVA Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists
- VmF Verband medizinischer Fachberufe
- Prüfungsausschuss der Tierärztekammer Niedersachsen
(Andrea Runge und Sandra Losch) - Berufsbildungsausschuss der Tierärztekammer Niedersachsen
(Sandra Losch)
The practice remains closed on Thursdays, the day we reserve for acupuncture treatment of horses, visits for thermography and very occasionally home visits.
Please arrange an appointment for a visit if you are interested.
Depending on the distance and the required time, visits are charged differently from appointments at the practice.
Please bring your cat and small pets in a closed transport box to the practice. This prevents them from escaping and makes sure they are safe from other animals in the waiting room. If you do not own a pet carrier or if your cat absolutely refuses to enter your box, you are welcome to borrow one of our carriers.
Non-prescription medication and pet food can be bought at reception during surgery hours. As we do not have every product in stock, please call us first to ensure that we store your product or order it in before you come to collect it.
Prescription drugs can only be given after a consultation and for a limited period of time. Should your pet need long term medication you are welcome to come and get repeat prescriptions for a certain time - up to six months - before we need to see your pet again. By law we have to see your pet at certain intervals to ensure that the medication and the dose are still the correct one.
Today no practice can offer the full spectrum of small animal medicine. To ensure that your pet receives the optimal health care we co-operate with many colleagues both in Germany and internationally. If necessary we can refer you to a specialist or discuss the case.
Our practice receives referrals for diagnostic tests, certain treatments or the fitting of a wheelchair, too
This co-operation between vets provides your pet with the best possible care.
Coronavirus – hopefully for the last time.
Even if the pandemic now officially turns into an endemic disease, we will continue to be a bit careful this winter. After all, we would like to avoid closing the practice because of being ill.
Please continue to wear a mask at our surgery and unfortunately only one person is allowed to accompany your pet into the surgery. We still arrange appointments even when you just want to pick up medication or bring a sample for further investigation.
If you are unwell yourself, please ask a healthy person to accompany your pet to us.
Thank you very much for your understanding and your cooperation.