
General veterinary care

General veterinary care means that we look after the day-to-day veterinary needs of your pet. This includes preventative care such as vaccinations or parasite control, advice you might need, for example before buying a puppy or before going abroad with your pet, and of course treating your pet when it is ill.
We feel that the relaxed atmosphere at our practice helps you and your pet to feel at ease and we are committed to provide the highest level of care to our patients.
Regular continuing education both in Germany and abroad ensures that we keep up with new developments in veterinary medicine.

Further investigations

There are times when a general examination alone is not sufficient to find out what is wrong with your pet.
In this case further investigations are helpful and we will discuss with you what is necessary for your individual pet.
Many examinations such as radiography, ultrasonography, blood pressure measurement and certain laboratory examinations with and without microscopy can be done at the surgery. In other cases we will send samples to a specialised laboratory.

Acupuncture for pets

Acupuncture is a very effective treatment option that can be used for a broad range of indications. While we still follow the treatment rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), more and more about how acupuncture works is actually proven scientifically.
Acupuncture can be beneficial in acute disease, however the majority of pets are treated for chronic problems. An important part of acupuncture treatment is the management of pain.
Generally several appointments are necessary, how many and how far apart they should be will be discussed either before or during the first treatment.
Most animals find acupuncture a relaxing and positive experience.

Acupuncture for horses

Horses are extremely sensitive animals and often react very well to acupuncture treatment. In the majority of cases acupuncture is used for the treatment and support of chronic or recurrent disease and pain management.
A close co-operation with your general vet is very important to ensure that the treatment is tailored to your individual horses needs.

Pain treatment and management

Animals feel pain just as humans do, but very often signs of pain are subtle and hard to detect. As it is often not very easy to recognise pain in animals, many pets suffer unnecessarily. Especially chronic pain can reduce quality of life considerably, but is often not recognised and for example seen just as a general sign of aging.
Today, pain management means not just medication. Apart from acupuncture there are a lot of options, often easily incorporated into the daily routine, that can reduce pain and give your pet more quality of life.
Of course medication is often necessary, too. Apart from the usual pain killers there are many other drugs available to ensure that every pet can benefit from pain relief. It is important that the therapy is tailored to the individual need of every patient.


Anaesthesia is necessary for operations, but also useful for certain investigations or procedures such as the fitting of an orthosis.
There are so many anaesthetic options available by now, including the very well controllable inhalation anaesthesia, that it is possible to reduce the unavoidable risk to a minimum.
Obviously, each patient is monitored carefully throughout the anaesthesia and during the recovery process.


Today there are so many options and philosophies on how to feed animals that it can be confusing to know what is best for your pet. We are happy to help you to find the option that fits.
Of course we are also happy to give you advice about special nutritional needs should your pet have a disease


To make the invisible visible, that is what we do with our thermography camera. It detects very small differences in body surface temperature and warmer or cooler areas of the body can tell us a lot about the health status of our patients. Contrary to other thermal cameras, our camera is connected to a special veterinary software, that ensures that exact measurements can be obtained from every point of the body. At the same time, a „normal“ picture is taken as well, so that changes can be assigned to the exact area oft he body. We got our Digatherm camera from the USA, we could not find anything as accurate anywhere else.

The camera measures differences in temperature of 0,02°C every 5mm2, so we get a very exact picture. Patients ranging from a small bat weighing 5g up to a horse weighing 600kg can be examined, the exam is easy and stress-free for the animal. Also, the exam can be done anywhere, not just at our surgery.

So when is a thermography exam indicated?

Our patients often have difficulties to tell us exactly where they have problems. Thermography can help to show up problem areas, but also to monitor patients under therapy or during training or rehabilitation with objective data.

     - Lameness, esp. unclear lameness
     - Ligament, tendon or muscle problems
     - Unclear pain problems
     - Neurological issues
     - Circulation of body surface areas
     - Hoof problems
     - Certain skin issues
     - Monitoring of elderly patients/part of geriatric exams
     - Monitoring of wound healing
     - Training of competing dogs and horses
     - Control of saddle fitting
     - Identification of compensatory issues in training or rehabilitation
     - Objective monitoring of therapy plans, medication (eg. pain medication)
        or rehabilitation
     - Stress-free examination of very anxious or very aggressive patients

We have been working with our camera since the end of 2021 and are very enthusiastic about the results. Regular software updates, great support from the company and regular training programmes ensure that we are kept informed about any new developments.

Please get in contact with us if you have any further questions or want to find out whether such an exam is suitable for your animal.


As an additional service we offer on-line consultations. Not all arising problems can be dealt with by a virtual appointment, so such appointments can only be arranged by phone.

Please note that it may still be necessary after a virtual appointment to see your pet at the surgery for an exact diagnosis or treatment.

For our on-line calls we use the telemedicine platform Haustierdocs.

The on-call duties of our practice are also accessed via Haustierdocs. You can reach the platform via, the button on our web page or the link on the Göttinger vet on-call web page. If our practice is not on-call, you can still get a video call from a vet through Haustierdocs.