Thank you very much for referring your patients to my practice for
- diagnostic tests or treatment of internal medical problems
- acupuncture treatment
- advice about or fitting of a wheelchair/cart
- thermography
If you suspect an internal medical problem, I am happy to work up the case for you or just do a single procedure you might find helpful such as a blood pressure measurement.
It is important for referred patients to book an appointment so that we can arrange the necessary consultation time.
Please provide the owner with the medical history including previous test results to prevent unnecessary diagnostic interventions, and a list of the medication the patient is receiving.
At the end of the investigation or treatment we will obviously refer the patient back to you and you will receive a letter or email detailing the results and any treatment we may have started. Of course I am happy to answer any further questions that may arise.

Your vet has referred you for certain investigations or treatment to our practice.
Please arrange an appointment with us to ensure that we book in enough time for you and your pet.
It is helpful if you bring all the information you have received from your veterinary surgeon.
In certain cases it may be necessary for you to bring a urine or faecal sample of your pet – or to record a video showing your pet´s problem. We will discuss this when you arrange the appointment.
Your vet will receive a detailed account of what we did, including all the test results, to ensure that your pet can continue treatment at your usual surgery. Obviously I am happy to answer any further questions that may arise.